My 3 Tips for Working From Home | NYC Family Photographer

New York is now officially on ‘pause’ since Sunday night, which means that as a non-essential business all my sessions have been postponed (if you had a booked session with me, you would have received an email by now). We were already practicing social distancing, but now it is an official government order. At home, it’s Rob, our 3 yo pup Roxie and myself. We both work from home all year long so we don’t have to get used to that part. This is why I thought I’d share with you the top three things that help me being productive while working from home (with distractions and Netflix only a click away!):

1. Making a list of what MUST be done each day: it’s no secret you’ll need to be organized, especially if you have little ones running around your new home office! However a not thought through to do list won’t help you and might overwhelm you instead - so make sure to put down the top priorities and start with them. This can also be done for the home to do list, or the kids school activities to do list.

2. Unless essential for your job, do not check your emails constantly. Schedule ‘emails’ time on your day. This way you can concentrate on the task at hand and not being distracted by non-important emails coming in and flooding your mind with info you do not need right at that minute. You’ll likely stop working on the actually important thing that needs to be done today, and start poking around at other items that really don’t need you attention right now.

3. Structure your day so you know when you should be doing what to achieve your to do list - this is even more important if you have kiddos at home right now. Make sure you structure your day so that when you need to work your kids have an activity that will keep them busy; and schedule your breaks when you know your kiddos will need a snack, a switch of activities, a bath etc.

I hope these are helpful and will help you and your family handling this ‘Pause’!

Stay safe! x

NYC Newborn Photographer Helene Stype-2020.jpg